How to: Create Survey video - DeepBrainAI

Updated on
March 18, 2024
How To
September 22, 2022

AI Generator Video Production Platform, AI STUDIOS.

Don’t worry about hiring models, recording, editing or license. Boost Your Video Production With Ease.

AI STUDIOS is an integrated agency as a service platform that uses AI technology to enable users to create, edit and scale content.

AI STUDIOS is an integrated agency as a service platform that uses AI technology to enable users to create, edit and scale content.

AI Studios allows individuals, and small to medium size businesses to produce content videos for various channels such as YouTube, corporate training and news, and customer demonstrations, all without costly equipment or with the need for deep expertise.

We’re going to make an Survey video using AI STUDIOS.

1.Click on Presentation template.

2. After selecting a model, select the model’s clothes.

3. Modify the size and position of the inserted model.         

4. Click the pre-created text box to edit its contents. 

5. Adjust the position and size of the text.

6. Click the background image to activate the background item.

7. Click the upload button of background upload the background image prepared in advance. 

8. Click the speech text field and enter the text the model will utter. 

9. When you have finished entering the utterance text, click export. 

10. From the export menu, click video format to synthesize the video.

11. When the composing is compete, press the play button to check whether the video is synthesized well.

AI Studios is a video production tool that makes it easy to produce videos without the need to film or employ the real people.
By combining DeepBrain’s AI Studios in the form of SaaS and a computer, it’s possible to eliminate costly studio, lighting, camera, set-staff, and even the video host.
Just by typing the script, this enables the AI anchor to naturally speak, use body language and gestures just like a real presenter.
Individuals, small & big entities can produce various content videos, such as YouTube, corporate training and news, all without equipment or expertise.

How about making your own survey video?
Go to AI Studios >

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