DeepBrain AI pioneers AI business card service at ABL Life

Updated on
May 13, 2024

"Hello, valued customer," greets the AI Human digital business card.

DeepBrain AI pioneers AI business card service at ABL Life, a first in the life insurance industry:

▶ Dream avatar-based AI business card service provided to ABL Life, offering personalized video message creation for each customer.

▶ Virtual human representation of staff members created with a single photo and 10-second voice clip, integrated with the company's customer management program.

▶ Customizable attire for various occasions like holidays and birthdays, promising a unique customer experience.


DeepBrain AI, led by CEO Jang Se-young, announced on the 13th that it will pilot introduce the 'AI Business Card Service' at ABL Life, the first in the life insurance industry.

The AI Business Card Service utilizes personalized AI custom video production solution 'Dream Avatar,' creating virtual avatars identical to users to deliver personalized message videos. With just one photo and a 10-second voice clip, the service can be completed in about two minutes.

Applying TTS (Text to Speech) to synthesize text input into human-like voices and TTV (Text to Video) technology to automatically convert and produce text into digital video content, the service enables cost-effective and rapid implementation of virtual avatars resembling users without the need for studio shooting or deep learning processes.

ABL Life will provide the AI Business Card Service to its exclusive FCs (financial consultants), nurturing managers, and internal employees, enabling them to convey personal PR, regular greetings, and contract customer management through AI business cards. The company plans to enhance its business competitiveness by conveying the professionalism of FCs to customers before meeting and conducting familiar customer management through digital channels.

Moreover, the AI Business Card Service will be integrated with ABL Life's customer management program, enhancing the efficiency of CRM tasks. Employees can deliver AI business cards to customers via alert messages with their own photos. Particularly, without additional images, the service allows customized attire changes for various occasions such as holidays, birthdays, and initial customer greetings, promising differentiated customer experiences.

Additionally, DeepBrain AI plans to continue various collaborations utilizing its AI technology to support ABL Life's digital transformation and productivity enhancement.

CEO Jang Se-young stated, "Inquiries for introducing AI business card services to enhance customer communication have been increasing not only in the insurance industry but also in various other industries," adding, "We will continue to provide various customized AI Human solutions, including AI business card services, to support business innovation for companies."

Ava Seo


Specializing in AI education and corporate PR and marketing, I take on the role of strategically planning and creating diverse content, including blog posts. Fueled by a constant pursuit of the industry's latest trends and innovations, my focus is on accentuating the company's goals and values while actively enhancing its brand image.

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