Gặp gỡ các đối tác kỹ thuật Microsoft Build, DeepBrain AI

DeepBrain AI has been selected as a major startup partner for Microsoft Build. Among many global tech startups, DeepBrain AI has been selected as a major partner. Microsoft Build is Microsoft's annual developer event, where Microsoft's top developer (CTO) and key developers gather to discuss tools and platforms for building product solutions. 


Why did Microsoft choose Deep Brain as its major partner?

DeepBrain AI is humanizing digital customer engagements and bridging the gap between enterprise clients and their end customers using its two-way conversational AI Human solution as a new, but more natural way for enterprises to interact and engage with their customers in an increasingly digitized and pandemic ridden world.

Join DeepBrain AI’s journey to 'Humanize' digital engagements

  • AI Human - Digital Twin of Yourself
    Conversational and Non-Conversational AI Humans unlock the power of Hyper-personalized engagements.
  • Conversational AI - SDK, AI Kiosk
    Conversational AI Humans are aimed at customer facing services with two-way communication interface.
  • Non-Conversational AI (AI Studios)
    Scrip to Video application mostly aimed at presenter based services - with one directional message delivery.
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